Strumenti personali
/* Il codice JavaScript inserito qui viene caricato da ciascuna pagina, per tutti gli utenti. */ (function(e, t) { var n, r, s, o, u, a, f, l, c, h, p = 0, d, v = false, m = function() { return e.requestAnimationFrame || e.webkitRequestAnimationFrame || e.mozRequestAnimationFrame || e.oRequestAnimationFrame || e.msRequestAnimationFrame || function(t, n) { e.setTimeout(t, 2) } }(), g = function(e, n, r) { var i = new Date; i.setDate(i.getDate() + r); var s = escape(n) + (r == null ? "" : "; expires=" + i.toUTCString()); t.cookie = e + "=" + s }, y = function(e) { var n, r, i, s = t.cookie.split(";"); for(n = 0;n < s.length;n++) { r = s[n].substr(0, s[n].indexOf("=")); i = s[n].substr(s[n].indexOf("=") + 1); r = r.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, ""); if(r == e) { return unescape(i) } } }, b = function() { n = t.body; arnmessages = t.getElementById("aranMsg"); if(!arnmessages) { return } var e = (arnmessages.getAttribute("title") | 0) * 1, r = arnmessages.childNodes; if(e) { if((y("lastAranView") | 0) * 1 == e) { return } g("lastAranView", e, 10) } if(r.length == 0) { return } var s = []; var o = 0; for(i = 0;i < r.length;i++) { if(typeof r[i].innerHTML == "undefined") { continue } s[o++] = r[i].innerHTML } E(s, 1400) }, w = function(e, t) { u = {}, loadedImages = 0, numImages = 0; for(var n in e) { numImages++ } for(var n in e) { u[n] = new Image; u[n].onload = function() { if(++loadedImages == numImages) { t() } }; u[n].src = e[n] } }, E = function(e, i) { var i = i || 0; if(!r) { r = true; s = t.createElement("div"); s.setAttribute("id", "aran"); o = t.createElement("span"); l = t.createElement("div"); o.innerHTML = "|"; l.appendChild(o); s.appendChild(l); n.appendChild(s) } f = e; c = 0; if(!v) { v = true; setTimeout(function() { w({aran:"", fum:""}, x) }, i) } }, S = 2, x = function() { var e = (new Date).getTime(), t = e - a; if(c == 0) { d = -250 * S; p = f[0]; h = 0; c = 1; = "block"; = "block"; o.innerHTML = p; v = true; a = (new Date).getTime() }else { if(c == 1) { d += t; if(d > 83 * S) { = "83px"; d = -f[h].length * 10; o.innerHTML = p; c = 2 }else { = d / S + "px" } }else { if(c == 2) { d += t; if(d > 2E3) { h++; c = 3; d = 0 } }else { if(c == 3) { d += t; var n = d / 40; if(h >= f.length) { c = 4 }else { p = f[h].substring(0, n); o.innerHTML = p; if(n > f[h].length) { d = -f[h].length * 10; c = 2 } } }else { if(c == 4) { o.innerHTML = ""; = "none"; c = 5; d = 85 }else { if(c == 5) { d -= t; = d + "px"; if(d < -250) { v = false; return } } } } } } } a = e; m(x) }; e.onload = b; e.aran = E })(window, document); (function () { var rem; function setPixel(meta, container_id) { try { injectEvaluationId(meta); rem = (container_id && document.getElementById(container_id)) ? 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